Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Delighting in Delay? Rejoicing over Resistance?!

I don't think I'll ever read Exodus 1-12 in the same way!

God gives Moses a job to do - to lead His people out of Egypt. But then Moses encounters resistance - formidable resistance - in the form of Pharoah who refuses. And God clearly gives Moses a heads up this will happen so we know this hasn't taken Him by surprise! (as if anything could ever take Him by surprise!)

Much is accomplished during the 12 plagues that follow - the Israelites see God in action, doing the miraculous on their behalf and the Egyptians get to know that God is greater than any of their gods. They both have the opportunity to know that He is the Lord.

But I never thought about what God is doing through this in Moses' life, especially using this to grow Him in character.

Few things frustrate me like being given the responsibility to lead and then encountering resistance! God tells me to do something and I want to get it done (usually! :0). How wild to think God has a purpose in the very things that get in the way and hinder me from doing what He's told me to do - especially to think that purpose may be to grow me in my character!

Moses spent 40 years in the desert because of a character flaw - he was impatient. As a leader he took matters into his own hands, murdered an Egyptian and had to flee. And what's crazy - he thought he was helping! He intended good, but his lack of character thwarted his attempts not only to do good but even to serve as a leader at that time.

Now God calls him to return to Egypt and lead His people, but he needs a crash course in character development not only to lead them out of Egypt... was he ever going to need patience to endure leading them 40 years in the wilderness!

But you don't grow in patience doing Bible study! Studying the Bible we learn that suffering produces endurance! (Romans 5:3)

Waiting, delay, is definitely a form of suffering - as Proverbs 13:12 says "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." Especially when people are putting pressure on you and upset because things aren't happening easily, especially when they experience their trials worsening as a consequence!

These light and momentary trials are achieving for us a glory that far outweighs them all! Why? Because they are opportunities for transforming us, our character, to become like Christ.

What if Noah waiting 100 years wasn't about needing time to build the boat or even to give sufficient warning to the people, what if God was using this to grow him as a leader?

Or even David having to wait to become king? Was this his character boot camp?!

If we lead out of who we are, then such "training" is vital!

May I not take it personally and not give in to fear or lash out in anger when I encounter resistance, even people hindering me from doing what God's called me to do. Instead may I submit to the discipline and recognize it for the training it is - as a gift from God. Trusting Him that nothing can thwart His purposes.

Of course other people are going to sin and fall short in their character! Many times my delays come as a consequence of this. Could it be God is not only at work growing me in my character but also them in theirs through the same situation?!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." (Romans 15:13) ...even in the midst of delays and frustrating circumstances!

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